Elvita Beverage and Food Ltd

Elvita Roasted Groundnuts

Elevate your senses with the Nutty Richness of our Top Grade Roasted Groundnut Delight.

Explore the bliss that comes from our exceptional Roasted Groundnuts. Our distinctive combination indulges your taste buds with the sumptuous essence of our roasted groundnuts. Infused with carefully selected ingredients, Elvita roasted groundnuts is simply one-of-a-kind.

Packed with amazing benefits

Rich in Nutrients

Elvita Roasted groundnuts are a good source of essential nutrients that you need.

Helps Heart Health

The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in peanuts can help reduce the risk of heart disease. They can lower bad cholesterol levels and improve overall heart health

Weight Management

Despite being calorie-dense, peanuts can help with weight management. Their fiber and protein content can make you feel full, reducing overall calorie intake.

  • Aids Digestion
    Elvita Bitters helps with digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes, promoting healthy digestion, and reducing bloating or discomfort.
  • Helps Reducing Stress
    Some of the ingredients used are known to have calming properties that aids in relaxation and stress reduction.
  • Flavor Enhancement
    Our bitters provides a unique flavor profile to cocktails and other beverages, enhancing the overall drinking experience.
Nutrient Profile

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100% Natural Herbs

Healthy & Nutritious

Healthy Oil